Category: News & Events

Mother and son using family computer

Changes to the NDIS Legislation from the 3rd of October 2024

On the 3rd of October 2024, the Australian Government and the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) began rolling out a number of changes that may impact the way providers work and invoice their clients. These changes relate to many aspects of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), including a new list of supports that can…
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boy with disability playing with brother

Orange Plan is ready for PACE, but what is it?

The NDIS has recently announced that it is preparing to make changes to some key aspects of its systems and processes. These include the introduction of a new computer system called PACE, some updates to plan processes, and new support categories. We’ve compiled these changes into one comprehensive blog post, to help you understand the…
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International Day of People with Disability Logo

International Day of People with Disability

What is International Day of People with Disability? International Day of People with Disability, or IDPwD, is a United Nations observed day that is celebrated annually. The day aims to increase public awareness, understanding and acceptance of people with disability, as well as to celebrate their achievements. IDPwD 2020 theme Each year, the UN announces…
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